Have you seen Naked & Healing?

I see my love

Close your eyes Picture yourself Tell me what you see I see me No, describe what you see Me, short buzzed salt and pepper hair weary eyes buried behind glasses tense mouth framed by wrinkles arms and legs with roadmaps of veins and arteries middle and thighs heavy not...

It doesn’t matter

He takes my hand in his Fingers intertwined He gives a gentle squeeze I love the feeling of the warmth my palm pressed next to his and I wish he could have held my young hand the one that was flawless Soft – full of promise Rather than hands aged by work veins bubbled...

In my poetry

He spoke love poems to me all the time they were in his words and his hands his lips and his body and all the things he did captured by me in my poetry

You will kiss them

Stretch marks and cellulite white like crackled paint on my hips and thighs remnants of children I bore not yours you do not care you do not see them but the red tangles and lines broken capillaries fine and knotted looking you gently touch I didn’t know you realized...