Have you seen Maiden, Mother, Crone?

Searching for a Mother

I am still searching for a mother I recognize it in every email I send texts calls to women I have collected in my lifetime cheerleaders listeners huggers staying in contact with long gaps between telling hey I did this hey I did that here is the latest new in my...

Questions and Answers

If you have a question ask me before I die don’t spend your life wondering collecting questions I can’t answer from the grave


Anger An uncomfortable feeling I think it was uncomfortable for you You never showed anger Not in my memory I don’t think you knew how And so I was never taught No raised voices, no angry words even today I do not get angry even when the trespass is deserving of anger...

Your Choice

It was 1965 Before Roe v Wade You had no choice and I wonder if you had a choice would you have chosen a different life followed another path I will never know I don’t even know what you believed if you could have chosen Would you have chosen...


Over time the mother wound changes no longer do you wonder if anyone saw it if they noticed the chasm the awkwardness the disconnect the silence the ghost of a child always near never included did it really matter then one day you receive validation – a...


Did you have dreams? Aspirations? You never mentioned any You never asked me if I had any dreams It made me believe that dreams were foolish So I had them And I hid them Never telling anyone because I was ashamed of them embarrassed to have dreams How silly is that?...