Have you seen Naked & Healing?


The milk is almost gone The list is on the table Bread, Eggs, Butter, Milk The child is in the bed Blankets over her Staring At nothing At everything Indifference owns her I cannot leave I don’t know what she might do The knives are locked away So are the pills But I...

Where lost souls go

I am Where lost souls go Hiking in the woods Reading a book Shopping online Working too much Eating a gallon of ice cream Hoping someone will find me Make me meaningful Help me find my soul

Why do I write poetry

Why do I write poetry? it is cheaper than doctors pharmaceuticals drugs alcohol it soothes my soul speaks my truth and actually if you piece all of the poems together you will know my story

Melt me

He slides into bed reaches over and pulls her close heat warming her he gently kisses her neck and she whispers melt me

Sleeping on my belly

I am going to be decadent tonight I will curl up in my bed and roll over on my belly I will lay there and stretch my back towards the ceiling I may drool onto the pillow a little You can’t do that sleeping on your back I may sleep this way all night on my belly...

I own my age

I own my age so few women do I lived every grey hair each wrinkle and the crackling of blood vessels and veins like sponged pottery and the squishy middle that carried babies I live in comfortable clothes the days of fashion and trying to look cute or sexy or...

You will write a book one day

He sincerely looked into my eyes “You will write a book one day” and then I hear all the unspoken words You will publish a book It will be wonderful I am proud of you You are brilliant and creative I love you

Love letters

Love letters in a glass jar on my desk All 26 Twenty-six typewriter hammers in a jar on my desk Love letters Each letter of the alphabet I wanted to have them I like strange curiosities like that Pieces of the printer world Tools of the writer I watched as he...

Poetry and Tattoos

Poetry and Tattoos They are so similar Ways we humans capture a memory A person An emotion A moment A love We write them down We brand them on our bodies Things of our mind, heart, and soul We sometimes regret their permanence after we imprint them with ink Whether...