Have you seen Maiden, Mother, Crone?


How do you learn to trust after you have been taught not to that question touches everything if you let it

Clouds in relationships

One day that is how it happens one day all the barriers disappear for a moment and you see the sparkle in his eyes when he looks at you telling you that you are the only one and you feel loved and everything is happy and you realize the cloud in your relationship is...

I was your storyteller

I am your storyteller You never knew |all the stories my mind created for you excuses to make living easier to stay looking for complicated answers rather than acknowledging simple truth unable to say a word to give the truth or lie a voice knowing how the knowledge...


He gave me a story Something to believe Something to make me feel special Make me feel like we were destiny But I had been told that story before Different but the same and told another version Different but the same And I so wanted to believe And I can’t imagine any...

Anxiety and trauma

I never know why the memories come but they do once in awhile and they are so vivid I can see his face the brown green of his eyes and I can’t shake them and then as I blink I can see my baby’s eyes warm and brown adoring and trusting and I can’t shake that either and...

Hope, Belief, Faith, Trust

Somewhere in the snow I left the pieces of me that were struggling to survive hope, belief, faith, trust Each one broke off like frozen icicles Falling jagged into the snow Leaving four pierced places The corners of a square Boundaries to outline what was left in my...