Have you seen Naked & Healing?

When he is gone

When he is gone I will leave the twist tie off the bread leave the leftovers on the stove til bedtime put flowered wallpaper in the bedroom sit outside and howl at the moon When he is gone I will create my IRA squirrel money away for a rainy day pick my expenses sit...

There is more to me

There is more to me than this than waking up to do all the dishes cleaning the house paying the bills and trading the work of my hands, arms, back, and legs for just enough to just cover the bills stopping the dreams there is no money for dreams no vacations no travel...

It doesn’t matter

He takes my hand in his Fingers intertwined He gives a gentle squeeze I love the feeling of the warmth my palm pressed next to his and I wish he could have held my young hand the one that was flawless Soft – full of promise Rather than hands aged by work veins bubbled...

Tattoos we try to erase

Tattoos we try to erase The ones below the skin Imprinted by people and experiences Invisible yet branded just the same Invisible ink that surfaces as emotions when the tattoo is warmed by life Exposed to raw air Exposed to be worked with one more time Healed and...


We sit and stare at each other I am the liberated female which gives me the right to cook dinner to clean the house to mow the yard to raise the children to paint the basement to plant the flowers to wash the dishes to work and earn a living to fix the broken things...

She is loved and part of all that is

The falling snow lay heavy and wet on the hemlock and pine weighing the limbs pushing them toward the earth. The snow whispers to them, this is how she feels when she is sad and depressed rooted unable to move Trapped like she is held by something she can’t see...