Have you seen Naked & Healing?


Over time the mother wound changes no longer do you wonder if anyone saw it if they noticed the chasm the awkwardness the disconnect the silence the ghost of a child always near never included did it really matter then one day you receive validation – a...


Did you have dreams? Aspirations? You never mentioned any You never asked me if I had any dreams It made me believe that dreams were foolish So I had them And I hid them Never telling anyone because I was ashamed of them embarrassed to have dreams How silly is that?...


She looked around at the building that was once home nothing left but bricks and charred wood her grandmother’s dishes are strewn across the floor in pieces family pictures ruined by fire and water all the memories that were scattered around the house gone and she...


They looked at the people They did not understand this thing called freedom that someone would die for it they could not taste it they could not see it they could not feel it they could only call it greed for that is what they were told so they tried to destroy ...

Landscape of my childhood

​​The landscape of my childhood is gone Obliterated Flattened Demolished The place where I was born high on the hill is a grassy field Amongst the rich houses Once added and scabbed onto wandering like a funhouse maze Gone The place where I got my first ice cream cone...

Hope, Belief, Faith, Trust

Somewhere in the snow I left the pieces of me that were struggling to survive hope, belief, faith, trust Each one broke off like frozen icicles Falling jagged into the snow Leaving four pierced places The corners of a square Boundaries to outline what was left in my...

Each mistake was a choice

The snow gave me clarity Deep, white, cold I lay there And I see each of them Three relationships Three lives I chased each of them Each mistake was a choice The cold numbs my regret, sadness Everything And I know I would repeat each choice There is no peace in some...

Who am I?

The question was Who am I? I am the child you carried unwanted I am your daughter a burden I am your mistake a secret to hide I am alive a reminder til death No I am a force to be reckoned with strong I am passionate intelligent I am creative tenacious I am...