Have you seen Naked & Healing?

I was your storyteller

I am your storyteller You never knew |all the stories my mind created for you excuses to make living easier to stay looking for complicated answers rather than acknowledging simple truth unable to say a word to give the truth or lie a voice knowing how the knowledge...


He gave me a story Something to believe Something to make me feel special Make me feel like we were destiny But I had been told that story before Different but the same and told another version Different but the same And I so wanted to believe And I can’t imagine any...


Put your hand there low on my belly do you feel it? the softness the calm no butterflies no tension nothing but calm and peace thank you for giving me that

Anxiety and trauma

I never know why the memories come but they do once in awhile and they are so vivid I can see his face the brown green of his eyes and I can’t shake them and then as I blink I can see my baby’s eyes warm and brown adoring and trusting and I can’t shake that either and...

Being honest about life

I have started being honest about life and putting lids on the boxes of possibility accepting them with lids closed and sealed because I see where the journey has taken me not far from where I began and the adventures I may have still tickled and teased need to be put...

Questions and Answers

If you have a question ask me before I die don’t spend your life wondering collecting questions I can’t answer from the grave


Anger An uncomfortable feeling I think it was uncomfortable for you You never showed anger Not in my memory I don’t think you knew how And so I was never taught No raised voices, no angry words even today I do not get angry even when the trespass is deserving of anger...

Last moment

He stared at her long and hard memorizing each feature each line on her face and he kissed her goodbye to go join the others to protect them all knowing he would never see her again

Trust of a child

He looks up at you you are Mommy you will always take care of him always protect him that is what Mommys do his innocent trust and belief in the middle of a war that you can’t imagine destroying and knowing after this if you survive he will never be the...

Your Choice

It was 1965 Before Roe v Wade You had no choice and I wonder if you had a choice would you have chosen a different life followed another path I will never know I don’t even know what you believed if you could have chosen Would you have chosen...