Have you seen Naked & Healing?

At the end of a day

Let me close my eyes at the end of a day in the hills doors open breezes blow in scent of pine and clean air has no unnatural smell here and I hear an owl calling in the trees marking his territory looking for dinner as I drift off to...

Stargazing Mice

Cabin in the woods always trapping mice every night the ritual traps with peanut butter placed in the basement check them in the morning a good night three traps two mice I load the traps in the car we are going for a ride I take them to the astronomy park far enough...

The tug of war

A tug of war that never ends children on one side parents on the other children growing up pulling away having their own lives later aging parents now pulling their end trying to hold onto...

My mother’s books

I go through My mother’s things now that she is gone books and books and more books and the online record she used to prevent duplicate buying a database of her library pictures she added of the cover book in her lap I can see her legs framing it holding it in place...

The Asylum

My body fizzed and hummed with the energy like electricity and my hair standing on end all over me the energy of the place no one there but I could feel them their essence all around wanting me to share their...

Plain words

I write plain words that before your eyes create pictures you can see feel taste touch and understand without dissection or dictionaries ~ Amba Elieff  

Watch for signs

There were signs I didn’t know enough to pay attention to too young controlling comments needing things his way the tension starting to build as the date got closer the downpour the speed trap ticket on the honeymoon yeast infection reading Les Misérables by the pool...