Have you seen Naked & Healing?

I am okay if I am alone

In my imagination as I got older There would be laughter there A full cabin with children scampering Sleeping on screened in porches Listening to the whippoorwills Calling to the owls Then I stopped and I looked at my imagination And I thought about the long drive...

I am just passing through

I read the words like I am ravenous for them I swallow them whole never pausing to chew on them in my mind I gulp them like I have a thirst I can’t quench Thousands of them I am addicted to each and every one and the places that they will take me The people they will...

She is loved and part of all that is

The falling snow lay heavy and wet on the hemlock and pine weighing the limbs pushing them toward the earth. The snow whispers to them, this is how she feels when she is sad and depressed rooted unable to move Trapped like she is held by something she can’t see...


A semi-colon on the wrist Small and powerful A statement and a whisper A pause Healing pause between past and future Healing pause between despair and hope A reminder To pause and everything will change It will get better Just...

In my poetry

He spoke love poems to me all the time they were in his words and his hands his lips and his body and all the things he did captured by me in my poetry

You will kiss them

Stretch marks and cellulite white like crackled paint on my hips and thighs remnants of children I bore not yours you do not care you do not see them but the red tangles and lines broken capillaries fine and knotted looking you gently touch I didn’t know you realized...

On her forever

Lips In the cup of her hip Lush and sensual Dark cherry against mahogany skin Perfectly placed so that every time she put her hand on her hips She would touch it Those lips An ex-lovers Never to be seen again But on her...

A shame to be dealt with

When you saw me the first time tiny blue black hair eyes so dark they were black warm toast skin not red and wrinkly like most babies was there a moment when you felt love or did you just see shame regret loss sadness Did you look at me as the destroyer of all your...

You would always have me

Some days you still consume me I no longer feel the touch that haunted me This is deep inside where you twisted all the emotions made it so my trust was so broken I could never be with anyone else I would never be able to trust anyone again And in that simple reality...